Tuesday, January 28, 2014



February is one of our favorite months.  Valentine’s Day and President’s Day give us many opportunities to talk about how we can show love and respect to our families and to others in our classroom and in our community.  Love is more than hugs and kisses, although we certainly never turn them down!  By helping at home, cleaning up the park, and sharing our toys we are showing love.  We show love for our country by honoring our flag, voting in elections, and doing our part to care for people in our neighborhoods.  There is much to learn and do!
February brings with it some special events.  Valentine’s Day will be celebrated on February 13th and 14th.  The Orange and Green Classes will be presenting an evening program on Thursday, February 20 at 7:00 p.m.  They will sing and dance to show parents and friends some of their favorite musical pieces so far this year.  Nothing is cuter than a three year old performance!
February ends with our Parent-Teacher Conferences on February 24th-26th and Pajama Day on the 27th and  28th.  Everyone loves Pajama Day !!  We come in our jammies.  No fair combing out that bed head look.  We are casual on Pajama Day.

Registration for 2014-2015 classes has  begun.  If you are interested in registering or learning more about Salem Preschool go to www.salemcovpreschool.com, visit us on face book, or email Pam at carlsondakota@yahoo.com.

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