Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Wow! What a fun day. We are learning about dinosaurs this week. There are big ones and small ones. There are meat eaters and plant eaters. And did you know that dinosaurs hatch out of eggs? They really do!
To help us learn about these prehistoric animals we invited Maija Sedzielarz from the Science Museum of Minnesota to come and talk to us. Ms. Maija brought many dinosaur treasures with her. She brought bones of several sizes. She explained how paleontologists decide how big each dinosaur is by looking at the size of their bones, teeth and claws. Big claws come from big dinosaurs. Little claws come from small dinosaurs. Ms. Maija also brought dinosaur poop! When the paleontologists look at the poop they can tell what the dinosaur ate. I mentioned that dinosaurs hatch from eggs. We know that is true because paleontologists have found dinosaur eggs! We sat in a circle with our class today and Ms. Maija passed around the bones, eggs, poop and teeth for us to look at up close. They were all very cool! Isn't it wonderful that we can learn about these prehistoric creatures even though there were no people alive when they roamed the Earth? We think so!

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