Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dressing Up Is Fun to Do

We are what we wear, or at least we can pretend to be someone or something else when we don a costume. A shy person might be more outgoing or a celebrity may blend into the crowd when they are behind a mask, make-up or costume. At Pre School we love to pretend to be something different! October offered students (and teachers) a chance to be Clifford the Big Red Dog. We brought our favorite teddies and stuffed animals to school to show them the school routine. Then, we celebrated Halloween, the granddaddy of all dress-up holidays! I love the way the children come into school on our Halloween party days. They bounce in looking all cute in their costumes. Then, upon seeing the other "characters" in the room, they stop and stare taking in the sight before them. Spiderman, Cinderella, Thomas the Tank Engine, Ninjas, and M&Ms are staring back at them. It's an awesome sight! Once the initial shock is over, they relax and start to play. The shy children often are more relaxed on party day. Perhaps they love parties or perhaps they like hiding behind their costume character. I can remember feeling that way. At the end of the day we were happy ..... and sweaty from wearing those costumes all day!
Happy Halloween!

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