Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Ask me to name my favorite season of the year and I’ll likely name the current one. All summer I lounged by the lake, worked in my garden, played with my grandkids and spent time with my horse. I love summer!

By mid August, I could feel a transition coming on and I resisted it. I was reluctant to begin typing lists, putting up bulletin boards, freezing vegetables, wearing sweaters.... Why was summer so short?

I hitched my horse to my wagonette one day and trotted down the road. Going past a stand of Sumac trees, I noticed their bright green color had turned dark brown. They, too, seemed reluctant to leave summer and move on. That was not an encouraging sign! Transitions are hard for most of us. As adults, we know, from past experience, that things will get better. We realize that the brown Sumac will turn to brilliant red and Halloween orange. We soon appreciate the cool crisp autumn nights and the good sleeping weather. Once pre school begins and I see the smiling faces of the children who were once only names on paper, I feel excitement about the days we’ll spend together singing, laughing and playing. Autumn becomes my new favorite season. God knows we need variety!

Pre schoolers may, also, have trouble transitioning to new activities and responsibilities. Leaving mom or dad and going off to pre school alone is not easy. They haven’t yet experienced “school” with its structured times and group-time rules. Walking in lines and sitting in circles doesn’t seem as appealing as wondering through the backyard on the way to the sandbox.

Soon the transition into school will be made and the children will be looking forward to seeing their friends, making art projects and playing at the park with their class. Fall will, hopefully, become an exciting time of the year. As the leaves turn to brilliant hues of red, orange and yellow, the days of summer will become nice memories and the children will move on to a new favorite season of the year!

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