Thursday, August 18, 2011


As we have been playing and relaxing this summer, the plants in the Pre School Garden have been quietly growing. The rain and hot weather have encouraged each seed to become the best it can be. As you see by the photos we have tall zinnias, small (so far) pumpkins, big sunflowers and gigantic corn in the garden. The carrots are shy. Their orange roots are waiting for the children to come back to school and dig them up. They will have to search for the carrot tops which are hiding under the sprawling pumpkin vines. Salvia, cosmos and marigolds are doing their best to impress us with their red, white and yellow but the zinnias take the prize for bold color!
Like the garden, the boys and girls registered for pre school are growing too. They are slowly becoming the best they can be and Salem is excited to be a part of that growth.

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