Monday, February 15, 2010

Wonder and Mystery


March is the in-between month. It’s can be very wintery or rather springy. It is also the month of our spring break, March 15 - 19. Our goal this month is to find some exciting topics to learn about. Dinosaurs are certainly exciting! Big (at least many of them,) and mysterious, these guys really get our imaginations going. If there really were no people alive when the dinosaurs were on Earth, how do we learn about them. That, too, is a mystery.

Air and space travel is our second unit for the month of March. It is another frontier with many unanswered questions. That qualifies it for being both mysterious and exciting. Sorting out fact from fiction (sci-fi) is sometimes hard. Are there really aliens out there?

Last, but certainly not least, we will celebrate Easter! Again, wonder and mystery are a part of the story! The assurance that Jesus loves us so much that he was willing to die for us, and then, amazing as it seems, he rose from the dead and went to live with God in heaven, where he is waiting to welcome us some day, is almost too hard to imagine!! Children love to hear the story and are more accepting of the wonder than many adults.

March is considered by many to be a very boring time of year. At Pre School it is going to be very mysterious and exciting!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

With Valentine's Day almost here, we at Pre School needed to know how the postal system worked (just in case we wanted to mail a Valentine!) The teachers covered the basics, like put your Grandma's name and address on the outside of the envelope, put the stamp in the upper right hand corner of the envelope and don't forget to put your Valentine inside the envelope. Then, to get the full lowdown, we had postal worker, Karol Johnson, come to our classes to explain how our Valentines actually get from the big blue mailboxes, through the post office, to the mail carrier and finally, to Grandma and Grandpa's house! Karol also had some safety tips to share. She wore a real mail person's uniform so we could learn how to identify a postal worker. We were reminded that only postal workers can put anything in our mail boxes. It was also suggested that we keep our dogs in the house or on a short leash during the expected delivery time so the mail person doesn't need to worry about our pets.
We want to thank Karol for visiting our classes to teach us about the US Post Office. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!