Monday, February 16, 2009


Ahhh, March!  Finally we have a month without a holiday or big event.  We love parties at Pre School but they aren't special if you have them all the time.  This month we will have plenty of time to talk about land and water transportation, tools, and big wheels (big trucks as opposed to bikes).  On the 16th through the 20th we will be on vacation.  Although we will be lonesome for each other, and ask Mommy and Daddy every day, "Is it school today?" we will be excited to share our vacation stories with the class when we come back to school.  At the end of the month we will learn about weather.  The seasons will be changing by that time.  The new growth and spring rains will open the door for our talks about "new life" as it relates to nature and Easter!!

Hope you enjoy these Valentine's Day pictures!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


So much has happened at Pre School since the last time I posted news!  The Orange and Green Classes worked hard all month learning their songs, finger plays and musical activities for the evening program on February 5th.  They did a GREAT job!!  We hope you parents enjoyed it, too.  
Last week all of the classes learned about the post office and the responsibilities of the postal workers who deliver our mail to our houses and places of business.  Karol Johnson, a former teacher at Salem, came to school and told us all about this very important community helper.  She brought the official uniform (for each season even) and the authentic mail bag and boots.  Some important advice she shared with us was, first, stay back from the curb when the mail truck is coming. The postal carrier loves to wave at you but he doesn't want to bump you with his truck.  Also, please keep your dog on a leash when the postal worker arrives, for the safety of the dog and the postal worker.   At the conclusion of the week, we all mailed ourselves a letter!  Thank you, Karol, for visiting our classes!
Parent - Teacher Conferences  are coming up quickly.  They will be Monday, Feb. 23 (Blue and Purple Classes), Tuesday, Feb. 24 (Red and Yellow Classes), and Wednesday, Feb. 25 (Green and Orange Classes).  Please sign up for a time  this week.  The sign - up sheets will be posted in the hallway near the classroom doors.
Finally, the most exciting day of the year is coming up .... PAJAMA DAY,  February 26 and 27.   It has been rumored that some children have been looking forward to this day since school began.  Stories have been handed down from older  brothers and sisters and the stories are true.  You can wear you pajamas to school on Pajama Day!  (The teachers will too.)  Your favorite nighttime pal or blanket can come too.  It's a really fun day!  No napping allowed!